ENP Coffee

ENP Coffee Co.

Coffee from elephant conservation projects

Quality & fairness

100% fairtrade, organic & sustainable
The coffee is planted in northern Thailand in the shade of the large jungle trees.
It is grown by local farmers from the traditional northern tribes of Thailand, so the people there have the opportunity to get fair paid work.

For a good cause

With the sale of the coffee, the Projects of the Save Elephant Foundation (including the Elephant Nature Park) are supported.
The natural habitat of the Asian elephants will be preserved and the pachyderms will be able to live in the greatest possible freedom away from the cruel elephant tourism.

Available roasts

Light roast - light roast (beans and ground)
Medium Roast -
medium roast (beans and ground)
Dark Roast -
dark roast (beans and ground)

Fair prices

Price per pack (400g) 15.00 € (plus shipping)

Order coffee

I myself worked with the coffee seedlings in December 2018 and was able to gain an insight directly on site.
If you want to learn more about coffee: how it is grown and how it is harvested and what else coffee is all about, watch the video:

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